Дизайн машинной вышивки ГИБИСКУС дизайн 1.
Цена: 650 руб.
Дизайн представлен в 2 размерах:
— 140×200 mm (5,51″x7,87″) 23 590 стежков
— 120х170 mm (4,72″х6,69″) 19 900 стежков
Дизайн облегченный, можно вышивать на трикотаже и тонких тканях (рекомендуется использовать верхний водорастворимый стабилизатор). Отлично смотрится на футболках, сумках, подушках, платьях.
Hibiscus is a Lion plant, as evidenced by the magnificent flowers of bright color. It will not allow the soul to be lazy, awaken living feelings, inspire unexpected and at the same time good deeds, bring emotional satisfaction. Hibiscus energy is directed in a spiral upward and outward: it is a strong flow spreads around. It is the energy of health, joy and love. Near the Chinese rose sick plants and people suffering from heart diseases feel better. Hibiscus with colors of red shades will make the climate of love relationships especially hot. Yellow flowers will help to become more open.
The legend of hibiscus is widely known in East Asia. It tells how a person discovered the wonderful properties of the hibiscus flower. Exhausted by the long passage through the jungle, the Wayfarer sat down to rest. He was hungry and thirsty. He did not have the strength to go on, hunger reminded him every minute. Sitting among the trees and bushes, he began to build a fire. Pouring water into the pot, he dreamed that the gods would send him food. Suddenly, from somewhere on top of the pot fell a few red flowers, painting the water ruby red.
The traveler ventured to try the drink, which was surprisingly fragrant and tasty. The drink had a floral-fruity taste and was very pleasant. With every SIP he felt a surge of strength and vigor.
Leaving the jungle, the traveler took with him store these beautiful flowers.
Design in machine embroidery. made especially for embroidery on delicate and knit fabrics.
The design is available in 2 sizes:
— 140×200 mm (5,51″x7,87″) 23 590 stitches
— 120х170 mm (4,72″х6,69″) 19 900 stitches
You can decorate clothes and interior items. Looks great on t-shirts and dresses. Picturesque hibiscus surrounded by leaves of monstera and palm trees. You can embroider the design in any colors you like, the color gamut is limitless. The design is saved as a program of machine embroidery, after payment, select and download the desired one. If the download files do not have the format you need, you can use the free machine embroidery converters and save them to the one that suits you or send me an e-mail art-hobbyt [!at] yandex.ru, specifying the format you want. In that case, the design, after receiving the payment, I will send you back in a reply letter.
dst, sew, jef, exp, pes, pec, VP3, vip, hus, pcd, shv
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